All Visitors are runned on a multi-thread environment, so they MUST be Thread Safe. Don't know
if your visitor is thread safe? Send us an email at the user list.
The only code you'll usually need to write is a implementation of net.vidageek.crawler.ContentVisitor .
This interface provides two methods:
- void visit(Page page) : This method is called on each page found on the site.
- void onError(Url errorUrl, Status statusError) : This method is called on pages that failed to
respond with a Status.OK or Status.REDIRECTION for any reason.
PageVisitor is a sub interface of ContentVisitor. Usually, you'll won't need to implement this since you
can use an already implemented PageVisitor.
- DoesNotFollowVisitedUrlVisitor: Using this visitor you'll only visit each url once.
- DomainVisitor: This visitor forces crawler to not go outside the site domain.
- RejectAtDepthVisitor: Basically, you can consider the start page as depth=0, all pages linked from the start
as depth=1 and so on (yes, BFS). So you can configure how deep on the site the crawler will go.
Did I mention that you can compose these PageVisitors?